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Monday, February 24, 2025

Some of the most famous conspiracy theories around the world

*Disclaimer : i'm writing and publish this article doesn't mean that i believe in conspiracy theory and i'm writing and publish this article are not to told you or forced you to believe in conspiracy theories, this is just a list only.

Here’s a list of some of the most famous conspiracy theories around the world:

Government & Political Conspiracies  

1. New World Order (NWO)

– A secret elite group controlling world events to establish a one-world government.  

2. Illuminati 

– A hidden organization influencing politics, media, and entertainment. 

3. JFK Assassination 

– Some believe the CIA, Mafia, or others were involved in John F. Kennedy’s assassination.   

4. 9/11 Inside Job 

– The theory that the U.S. government had a role in the 9/11 attacks.  

5. Moon Landing Hoax 

– Claims that the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing was staged by NASA.  

Space & Alien Conspiracies  

6. Area 51 & Aliens 

– The belief that the U.S. government hides alien spacecraft and beings in Area 51.  

7. Roswell UFO Crash 

– A supposed UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. 

8. Black Knight Satellite

– A mysterious object orbiting Earth, believed by some to be of alien origin.  

9. Flat Earth Theory

– Some people think Earth is flat and that space travel is fake.

Money & Corporate Conspiracies

10. Federal Reserve Control

– The idea that powerful banking families secretly control the world’s money. 

11. Big Pharma Conspiracy

– The belief that pharmaceutical companies hide cures for diseases to keep making money.  

12. 5G & Mind Control

– The claim that 5G technology harms people or is used for surveillance.  

13. The Great Reset

– A theory that world leaders are using crises to reshape the global economy.  

Health & Science Conspiracies  

14. COVID-19 Lab Origin 

– Some believe COVID-19 was intentionally created or leaked from a lab.  

15. Anti-Vaccine Movement 

– The belief that vaccines are harmful or used for population control. 

16. Chemtrails 

– The idea that airplanes release chemicals to control weather or people's minds.

17. Fluoride in Water 

– The theory that fluoride is secretly used for mind control. 

Media & Celebrity Conspiracies  

18. Paul McCartney Is Dead

– A claim that the Beatles’ Paul McCartney was replaced by a lookalike.  

19. Hollywood Clones & Replacements

– The theory that celebrities are cloned or replaced when they "go against the system." 

20. Walt Disney Cryogenics 

– The belief that Walt Disney’s body is frozen for future revival.  

Supernatural & Mysterious Conspiracies 

21. The Mandela Effect 

– The idea that parallel universes cause shared false memories.  

22. Hollow Earth Theory 

– The belief that an advanced civilization lives inside the Earth.  

23. Time Travel Cover-Ups 

– Claims that governments have secretly developed time travel.  

24. Project Blue Beam 

– The theory that NASA will use fake alien invasions or holograms to control people.  

These are just some of the many conspiracy theories people talk about.

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