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Friday, August 30, 2024

7 Creatures from Adam & Eve

1. Human

we, all of us..

2. Bunian Peoples and their Community.


-their forms like a human,but invisible because they use an invisible curtain's, a mystical power from The Quran.

-they have their own community, village.

-live and life like a human but between them only.

-they have a fear to faces the world, that's why they use that 'invisible curtains' to make them not visible to other human.

-their Prophet is Adam, and not the Prophet Muhammad, and till now they still obey to Adam and holding a Holy Book that are from Adam.

-amongs the malay community, bunian are believed having a lot of mystical knowledge and mystical power.

*for more details about bunian please refer a malay community, they got more knowledge and experience about it.

i have an experience with Bunian peoples too..a small incident with a girl from their kinds, community, because in that area got their invisible village, i don't know that one of them crossing the road, not realize that i've run over her..i can't see her, because she's still in her invisible curtain's when she's crossing the road. That incident took place night at area around my home town in malaysia when i drive my motorcyles home after go to see the New Year Celebrations at Sunway City ipoh, perak, malaysia, but i forgot what year is it..

3. Halfkin

forms of human but in small size and half size, as many scientists have discover them deep inside a a jungles.

4.  The Fairies

as a previous articles..

5. Yajuj&Majuj

*please refer The Quran

6. Aliens

The Extraterrestrial Creatures and they are the most advance civilization creatures that holding a powerfull technology that more than human can imagine.

7. Muhar

After Adam and Eve got order from HIM to get down to earth, The son(muhar) of Adam and Eve in heaven, don't want to follow the order to get down to earth with his father(adam) and his mom(eve), but later he get down to earth,but late.

Proves that they are from adam&eve like us, they have a shape or forms like a human, their other shape of their forms mybe from a combination DNA with or from others creatures like jins,insects,animals,etc, and evolved.

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